Installation, configuration and ZOO-Kernel use

ZOO-Kernel Installation

As said in introduction, you will use the official ZOO-Project Docker Compose evironment. To install the ZOO-Project on your local machine, use the following command.

git clone
cd ZOO-Project
docker-compose up -d

For the specific purpose of the workshop, we will create new volumes in the docker-compose.yml file for both zookernel and zoofpm services. You should add the lines below after both - ./docker/com:/usr/com/zoo-project on line 21 and - ./docker/tmp:/tmp/zTmp on line 35.

- ./docker/ws2022:/usr/lib/cgi-bin/ws2022
- ./zoows2022/zoo-demo:/var/www/html/zoows-2022/
- ./zoows2022/data:/var/data

Once you saved the docker-compose.yml file, you are ready to run the command below to first download the demonstration UI used during the workshop and, restart Docker Compose.

curl -o zoows2022.tar.bz2
tar -xvf zoows2022.tar.bz2
docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d


the following ports should be available on the host where you run the previous command: 80, 5432, 8888, 15672 and 5672.

ZOO-Kernel Configuration

General ZOO-Kernel settings are set in the main.cfg file located in the same directory as the ZOO-Kernel, so in /usr/lib/cgi-bin/. This informations will be accessible from each services at runtime, so when you wil use Execute requests. You can see a typical main.cfg content in the following:


we will use ZOO-Kernel or zoo_loader.cgi script without any distinction in this document.

 2encoding = utf-8
 3version = 1.0.0
 4serverAddress = http://localhost/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi
 5language = en-US
 6lang = fr-FR,en-CA,en-US
 8tmpUrl = http://localhost/temp/
 9dataPath = /usr/com/zoo-project
10cacheDir = /tmp/zTmp/
11templatesPath = /var/www/
12mapserverAddress = http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv
18title = The ZOO-Project OGC WPS Developement Server
19abstract = Developement version of ZOO-Project OGC WPS. See
20fees = None
21accessConstraints = none
22keywords = WPS,GIS,buffer
27individualName=Gerald FENOY
30addressDeliveryPoint=1280, avenue des Platanes

The main.cfg file contains metadata informations about the identification and provider but also some important settings. The file is composed of various sections, namely [main], [identification] and [provider] per default.

From the [main] section, settings are as follow:
  • lang: the supported languages separated by a coma (the first is the default one),

  • version: the supported WPS version,

  • encoding: the default encoding of WPS Responses,

  • serverAddress: the url to access your ZOO-Kernel instance,

  • dataPath: the path to store data files (when MapServer support was activated, this directory is used to store mapfiles and data).

  • tmpPath: the path to store temporary files (such as ExecuteResponse when storeExecuteResponse was set to true),

  • tmpUrl: a url relative to serverAddress to access the temporary file,

  • cacheDir: the path to store cached request files [1] (optional),

  • mapservAddress: your local MapServer address (optional),

  • msOgcVersion: the version for all supported OGC Web Services output [2] (optional),

  • cors: accept cross reference,

  • memory: this parameter define how the ZOO-Kernel will handle the inputs (set to load in case you want everything to be loaded in memory and ensure to get a value field set ).


Please make sure that memory is set to load for the JavaScript services you will create in the last section.

The [identification] and [provider] section are specific to OGC metadata and should be set [3].

Obviously, you are free to add new sections to this file if you need more [4]. Nevertheless, you have to know that there is some specific names you should use only for specific purposes: [headers], [mapserver], [env], [lenv], [renv] and [senv].


[senv], [renv] and [lenv] are used / produced on runtime internaly by the ZOO-Kernel and should be accessed / defined only from the Service code.

The headers section is used to define your own HTTP Response headers. You may take a look at headers returned by web site such as by using curl command line tool for instance and notice the specific heder X-Powered-By: Zoo-Project@Trac.


There is no reason to define basic headers such as Content-Type or encoding as they will be overwritten at runtime by the ZOO-Kernel.

The mapserver section is used to store specific mapserver configuration parameters such as PROJ_LIB and GDAL_DATA or any other you want to be set to make your MapServer working.


the mapserver section is mainly used on WIN32 platform

The env section is used to store specific environment variables you want to be set prior to load your Services Provider and run your Service. A typical example, is when your Service requires to access to a X server running on framebuffer, then you will have to set the DISPLAY environnement variable, in this case you would add DISPLAY=:1 line in your [env] section.

The lenv is used to store runtime informations automatically set by the ZOO-Kernel before running your service and can be accesses / updated from it:

  • sid (r): the service unique identifier,

  • status (rw): the current progress value (value between 0 and 100, percent),

  • cwd (r): the current working directory of the ZOO-Kernel,

  • message (rw): an error message when returning SERVICE_FAILED (optional),

  • cookie (rw): the cookie your service want to return to the client (for authentication purpose or tracking).

The senv is used to store session informations on the server side. You can then access them automatically from service if the server is requested using a valid cookie (as defined in lenv > cookie). The ZOO-Kernel will store on disk the values set in the senv maps, then load it and dynamically add its content to the one available in the main.cfg. The senv section should contain at least:

  • XXX: the session unique identifier where XXX is the name included in the

    returned cookie.

conf["lenv"]["cookie"]="XXX=XXX1000000; path=/"
conf["senv"]={"XXX": "XXX1000000","login": "demoUser"}

That means that the ZOO-Kernel will create a file sess_XXX1000000.cfg in the cacheDir and return the specified cookie to the client. Each time the client will request the ZOO-Kernel using the Cookie, it will automatically load the value stored before running your service. You can then easilly access this informations from your service source code. This functionality won’t be used in the following presentation.

Testing the ZOO installation with GetCapabilities

Once you have a main.cfg file available in the same directory as your ZOO-Kernel, then you can use GetCapablities. Indeed, to answer such kind of requests, the ZOO-Kernel will simply parse the main.cfg file (to gather global informations), then parse individually each zcfg files (if any) contained in the same directory or in sub-directories [6], then return a well formed Capabilities document.

You can request ZOO-Kernel using the following link from your Internet browser:


You should get a valid Capabilities XML document, looking like the following :


Please note that some Process nodes are returned in the ProcessOfferings section, as somes are available already on OSGeoLive DVD. You can also run a GetCapabilities request from the command line, using the following command:

docker exec -it zoo-project_zookernel_1 bash
cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin
./zoo_loader.cgi "request=GetCapabilities&service=WPS" | more

The same result as in your browser will be returned, as shown in the following screenshot:


Invoking the ZOO-Kernel from the command line can be helpful during development process of new Services for debugging purpose. If you need to simulate POST request from the command line, then you can use the following commands from the zoo-project_zookernel_1 container.

cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin
# Download the sample GetCapabilities request
curl -o /tmp/10_wpsGetCapabilities_request.xml
# Define required environment settings
export CONTENT_TYPE=text/xml
# Run the request downloaded
./zoo_loader.cgi < /tmp/10_wpsGetCapabilities_request.xml | more

You should have the same result as presented before.
