Contribute code

Anybody can take part to the ZOO-Project developement and is welcome to:

  • Share new source code or correction

  • Create tickets to report bugs

  • Write a new feature request.

Submit new code

For new comers

New source code or existing source code corrections (patches) should be submitted as pull request (PR) using the ZOO-Project repository .

In the PR, describe your code or patch. It will then be checked and discussed with the developers, and can potentially be integrated and merged with the main branch.

For registered developers

ZOO-Project registered developers have direct repository access and can:

  • Commit fixes, enhancement and new source directly to the main branch

  • Create and commit to a new branch of the ZOO-Project repository

ZOO-Project registered developers must accept and respect the Committer guidelines when contributing code.

Bug tracking

General information

Bug reports and wishes can be submitted using the ZOO-Project issue system .

You can label your issue with one of the available ones.

The following general labels are available:

  • bug to report bugs and ‘bad’ features

  • enhancement to describe feature wishes

  • help wanted to describe any issue your may be facing

  • question to describe any different but relevant topic.

The following components specific labels are available:

  • ZOO-Kernel to report a bug or problem with the ZOO-Project server

  • ZOO-Services to report a bug or problem with the ZOO-Project services

  • ZOO-API to report a bug or problem with the ZOO-Project API

  • ZOO-Client to report a bug or problem with the ZOO-Project Client

  • Documentation to report a problem or suggest an enhancement to the documentation

Best practices

Please consider the following when submitting bugs or feature requests:

  • Check if the bug is still persistent in main branch before reporting. If you use an older version, please consider upgrading.

  • Before reporting a bug, please search if it is yet unknown in the bug tracking system.

  • Give an appropriate, straightforward and understandable title to your issue

  • Make sure the developers get all the needed information to recreate the bug (e.g. tell about your configuration and explain every step to reproduce the bug).

  • Select at least one label for your issue.

  • Report only one single bug by issue.