Installation on Debian / Ubuntu

Use the following instructions to install ZOO-Project on Debian or Ubuntu distributions.


Using Debian

The following command should install all the required dependancies on Debian. See the Prerequisites section for additional information.

apt-get install flex bison libfcgi-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev curl openssl autoconf apache2 python-software-properties subversion python-dev libgdal1-dev build-essential libmozjs185-dev libxslt1-dev

Using Ubuntu

On Ubuntu, use the following command first to install the required dependancies :

sudo apt-get install flex bison libfcgi-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev curl openssl autoconf apache2 python-software-properties subversion libmozjs185-dev python-dev build-essential libxslt1-dev

Then add the UbuntuGIS repository in order to get the latest versions of libraries

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
sudo apt-get update

Install the geographic library as follow:

sudo apt-get install libgdal1-dev


Download ZOO-Project latest version from git using the following command:

git clone zoo-project

Install the cgic library from packages using the following command:

cd zoo-project/thirds/cgic206/

Head to the ZOO-Kernel directory

cd ../../zoo-project/zoo-kernel/

Create a configure file as follow:


Run configure with the desired options, for example with the following command:

./configure --with-js --with-python


Refer to the Installation on Unix/Linux section for the full list of available options

Compile ZOO-Kernel as follow:


Install the by using the following command:

sudo make install

Copy the necessary files to the cgi-bin directory (as administrator user):

cp main.cfg /usr/lib/cgi-bin
cp zoo_loader.cgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin

Install ZOO ServiceProviders, for example the basic Python service (as administrator user)

cp ../zoo-services/hello-py/cgi-env/*.zcfg /usr/lib/cgi-bin
cp ../zoo-services/hello-py/cgi-env/*.py /usr/lib/cgi-bin/

Edit the main.cfg file as follow (example configuration):

nano /usr/lib/cgi-bin/main.cfg
- serverAddress =

Test the ZOO-Kernel installation with the following requests:


Such request should return well formed XML documents (OWS documents responses).


The URLs provided here suppose that you have previously setup a web server and defined cgi-bin as a location where you can run cgi application.


If ZOO-Kernel returns an error please check the ZOO-Kernel configuration and beware of the Prerequisites.