Creating and Updating Pages in Hugo

This guide provides instructions for contributors on how to create and update pages using the Hugo framework.

Creating a New Page

To create a new page in the documentation:

  1. Navigate to the content directory of the Hugo project.

  2. Identify the appropriate section where the new page should be added.

  3. Run the following command to generate a new Markdown file:

    hugo new docs/
  4. Open the newly created file in a text editor and add relevant content following Hugo’s Markdown syntax.

  5. Ensure the front matter (YAML, TOML, or JSON format) contains necessary metadata, e.g.:

    title: "New Page Title"
    date: 2025-03-11
    description: "A brief description of the new page."
    draft: false
  6. Save the file and preview changes using:

    hugo server --buildDrafts

Updating an Existing Page

To modify an existing page:

  1. Locate the page inside the content directory.

  2. Open the file and make necessary changes.

  3. Save the file and verify the updates using:

    hugo server
  4. Once satisfied with the updates, commit the changes:

    git add content/docs/
    git commit -m "Updated documentation"
    git push origin main